
On April 16, 2024, the PD-35 technology demonstrator engine was successfully tested. In the conditions of an open test stand, the design thrust level at take–off mode was reached - 35 tc.

"The creation of a prototype of the first Russian high-thrust engine became possible thanks to joint work within the framework of the established cooperation of companies. I thank you and the staff of Ruspolimet JSC for a significant contribution to the achieved result and hope for further fruitful, mutually beneficial cooperation in the creation of promising Russian aircraft engines," Alexander Inozemtsev, Managing Director of UEC-Aviadvigatel JSC, noted in his letter to the management and staff of Ruspolimet JSC.

Fruitful long-term cooperation unites JSC Ruspolimet and the United Engine Corporation. Ruspolimet participates in all programs for the development of the domestic aircraft engine industry, including projects to create a new PD-8 engine, as well as promising PD-8 and PD-35.

"We are proud to participate in all new engine building development programs, both with traditional materials and with innovative ones," said Maxim Klochai, CEO of Ruspolimet JSC.


The PD-35 engine belongs to the family of fifth-generation turbojet engines in the thrust range of 24-38 tc for promising twin-engine wide-body passenger and transport aircraft.